Everest Global Plc - Rapport semestriel
Everest Global Plc - Rapport semestriel
PR Newswire
LONDRES, Royaume-Uni, 24 juillet
24 Juillet 2024
Everest Global plc
( "Everest« Ou le »Société»)
Résultats intermédiaires non audités pour le semestre clos 30 Avril 2024
Le conseil d'administration d'Everest est heureux d'annoncer ses résultats non audités pour le semestre terminé 30 Avril 2024.
Rapport du Directeur Général
The six months ended 30 Avril 2024 have been satisfactory and Everest Global Plc ('the Company') is now looking to apply its resources to find suitable acquisitions in line with our stated strategy, that will ensure that our shareholders and investors receive a concomitant return on their advances.
During the six months, we achieved some of our stated objectives. At the end of the previous financial year, on 31 Octobre 2023, the Company announced the issue of a prospectus in relation to the admission of 39,099,141 ordinary shares of £0.02 each ('Ordinary Shares') to the Official List of the FCA (Standard Listing Segment) and to trading on the Main Market for listed securities of the London Stock Exchange. We further announced on the 6 Novembre 2023 that the Ordinary Shares were listed and dealing could commence on that day. The total number of Ordinary Shares at that date was 64,888,855.
Following the advance, on 4 Juillet 2023, of £200,000 to Lien précieux (UK) Limited ('PL') the Company announced the acquisition from PI Distribution Investment Ltd ('PI'), of the entire issued share capital of PL. PL is a wine retailer, which consists of 2 retail liquor outlets in the Southeast of de l'Angleterre. Under the terms of the Share Purchase Agreement ('SPA') and a subsequent restructure of the vendors affairs, the Company issued 12,500,000 new Ordinary Shares to Mr Feng Chen (the ultimate beneficial owner of PI), at a value of 4 pence per Ordinary Share, valuing the transaction at £500,000. The £200,000 loan between PL and the Company will remain in force and the director of PL has assigned his loan of circa £500k, at the date of acquisition, due to him from PL to the Company, as a condition of the SPA. As a result of the transaction the total number of Ordinary Shares in issue, on the 30 Avril 2024, was 77,388,855 Ordinary Shares.
In janvier 2024, following the acquisition of PL, the Company and K2 Spice Limited ('K2') exercised the put and call option agreement which was detailed in the Annual Financial Statements for the year ended 2022 Octobre. This resulted in the Company selling its remaining 51% holding in Dynamic Intertrade (Pty) Ltd ('DI') to K2, which now owns 100% of the issued shares in DI.
Another initiative that the Company embarked on was the acquisition of 33% of the issued share capital of Ace Jumbo Ventures Limited ('AJV') for US $ 20,000 in cash from Giga Treasure Limited which, was announced on 9 Avril 2024, but remained subject to regulatory approval. Given regulatory approval had not been granted by period end the investment in AJV has not been recognised in these interim accounts. AJV is the parent company of Giga (Hong Kong) Limited, une société constituée en Hong Kong, which holds a licence to carry out the provision of advice on securities (Type 4 Licence) and a licence to carry out asset management related regulated activities (Type 9 Licence) under the Securities and Futures Ordinance in Hong Kong (the "Licences"). The Directors of the Company believe that holding an interest in the Licences will help facilitate future fundraisings to be undertaken by the Company from investors based in Hong Kong. Post the period end, the Company also purchased a Hong Kong incorporated company called Everest (Hong Kong) Securities Limited ('EHKS'), for HK $ 1 with the intention of facilitating capital raising. EHKS at the time of purchase was a dormant entity and had been since incorporation. At the time of signing these accounts EHKS remained dormant.
The Company, at the reporting date of these interim accounts, had only one wholly owned subsidiary, PL, which was consolidated for the 4-month period from 1 Janvier 2024 à 30 Avril 2024. The results of DI, which was sold in janvier 2024, have been consolidated for the period 1 Octobre 2023 à 31 Décembre 2023.
Within the first six months, as a result of the transactions the Company has undertaken, the consolidated financial picture has changed. The revenues are down 65% compared to the six months ending 30 Avril 2023. Additionally, the cost of sales is also down to 64%, which means we have a greater gross profit margin of 27% in the first six months of this financial year compared to 30% in the comparative six month period.
There is a significant other income position. This is the result of the sale of DI and unwinding of its consolidated balance sheet that was undertaken as part of the disposal of DI in janvier 2024.
Comme à 30 Avril 2024, the Group, had cash of approximately £228,000 down from approximately £858,000 as at 31 Octobre 2023.
Enfin, sur 24 mai 2024, the Company announced the appointment of Mr Feng Chen as a non-executive director of the Company effective as of 1 Juin 2024. Mr Chen holds an MSc from the University of Reading and is the Chief Executive Director of PL, the wine retailer in the Southeast of de l'Angleterre, que la Société a acquis en janvier 2024. Mr Feng Chen détient 12,500,000 16.2 XNUMX Actions Ordinaires de la Société représentant environ XNUMX % du capital social émis de la Société.
I would like to thank the Board and our advisers for assisting during the last period.
The focus for 2024 will be the growth in the food and beverage business via acquisition, investment and joint ventures. The Company will require additional capital to invest in these ventures.
L' rapport intermédiaire non audité pour les 6 mois clos 30 Avril 2023 est disponible sur le site Internet de la Société à l'adresse : www.everestglobalplc.com et sous forme papier au siège social de la Société à 48, allée de la Chancellerie, Londres WC2A 1JF.
Ce sera également prochainement disponible pour inspection à : www.fca.org.uk/markets/primary-markets/regulatory-disclosures/national-storage-mechanism.
Avant la publication, les informations contenues dans cette annonce ont été considérées par la Société comme constituant une information privilégiée. aux fins de l'article 7 du règlement UE 596/2014 (qui fait partie du droit national britannique conformément à la loi de 2018 sur l'Union européenne (retrait). Avec la publication de cette annonce, ces informations sont désormais considérées comme appartenant au domaine public.
Les Administrateurs de la Société acceptent la responsabilité du contenu de cette annonce.
Pour plus d'informations, veuillez contacter les personnes suivantes :
Everest Global plc |
Andy Sui, directeur général Rob Scott, directeur non exécutif | + 44 (0) 776 775 1787 / +XNUMX (XNUMX) XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX XNUMX janhaverkate27@gmail.com +6006 |
Conseillers financiers Cairn LLP |
Jo Turner/Emily Staples |
+44 (0)20 7213 0885 / +44 (0)20 7213 0897 |
Mise en garde concernant les déclarations prospectives
Certaines déclarations contenues dans cette annonce sont ou peuvent être considérées comme des déclarations prospectives. Les déclarations prospectives sont identifiées par l'utilisation de termes et d'expressions tels que "croire", "pourrait", "devrait" "envisager", "estimer", "avoir l'intention", "pouvoir" '', ''plan'', ''potentiellement'', "s'attendre à", ''sera'' ou le négatif de ceux-ci, des variations ou des expressions comparables, y compris des références à des hypothèses. Ces déclarations prospectives ne sont pas basées sur des faits historiques mais plutôt sur les attentes et hypothèses actuelles des administrateurs concernant la croissance future de la Société, les résultats d'exploitation, la performance, les dépenses futures en capital et autres (y compris le montant, la nature et les sources de financement de celles-ci) , avantages concurrentiels, perspectives et opportunités commerciales. Ces déclarations prospectives reètent les convictions et hypothèses actuelles des Administrateurs et sont basées sur les informations actuellement disponibles pour les Administrateurs.
Principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining 6 months of the financial year
Les Administrateurs considèrent que les facteurs de risque suivants sont pertinents pour les activités du Groupe. Il convient de noter que la liste n'est pas exhaustive et que d'autres facteurs de risque actuellement non connus ou actuellement jugés non significatifs peuvent s'appliquer. Les facteurs de risque sont résumés ci-dessous :
- Failure to identify or anticipate future risks
Although the Directors believe that the Group’s risk management procedures are adequate, the methods used to manage risk may not identify or anticipate current or future risks or the extent of future exposures, which could be significantly greater than historical measures indicate.
- The Company may be unable to raise funds to complete any further acquisitions for growth
The Company intends to make further acquisitions in the food and beverage industry with a focus on the beverage distribution and production sector in the UK and the rest of Europe. Although the Company has not formally identified any prospective targets, it cannot currently predict the amount of additional capital that may be required.
- Ownership and Reverse Takeover risks
The Company’s next acquisition may be a Reverse Takeover. If an acquisition is made, its business risk will be concentrated in a single target until the Company completes an additional acquisition, if it chooses to do so. In the event that the Company acquires less than a 100 per cent. interest in a particular entity, the remaining ownership interest will be held by third parties and the subsequent management and control of such an entity may entail risks associated with multiple owners and decision-makers. In circumstances where the Company were to undertake a Reverse Takeover (or analogous transaction) requiring the eligibility of the Company to be re-assessed, the Company would be required to meet the minimum market capitalisation requirement of £30,000,000 to maintain its listing as well as satisfy the requirements of the Equity Shares (commercial companies) category of the new UK listing rules which came into effect on 29 Juillet 2024. In the event that the Company is unable to satisfy these requirements, the Company would be unable to meet the eligibility requirements to maintain its listing and would be required to de-list, meaning the shareholders of the Company would hold shares in a non-trading public company (assuming it would be unable to secure a listing or quotation on another exchange).
- Reliance on delivery
The beverage industry is dependent on prompt delivery and quality transportation of beverage ingredients. Disruptions such as adverse weather conditions, natural disasters and labour strikes in places where supplies of beverage ingredients are sourced could lead to delayed or lost deliveries or deterioration of ingredients and may, amongst other things, result in an interruption to the business of the Group or a failure of the Group to be able to comply with relevant environmental legislation and provide quality food / beverage and services to customers, thereby damaging its reputation.
- Maintenance of quality of products and services
In the beverage industry, it is essential that the quality of products is consistent. Any inconsistency in the quality of products may result in customer dissatisfaction and hence a decrease in their loyalty.
- Identifying a suitable acquisition target
DI was disposed of in janvier 2024. As part of this disposal the Board has adopted a wider acquisition strategy to make acquisitions in the beverage industry with a focus on the beverage distribution and production sector in the UK and the rest of Europe. This has directly led the Company to invest in PL a wine retailer in the South of de l'Angleterre. The Company will be dependent upon the ability of the Directors to identify suitable acquisition opportunities in the future and to implement the Company’s strategy.
- Demand for the Company’s products may be adversely affected by changes in consumer preferences
The Company’s success will depend heavily on the maintenance of the brands in which it invests and the ability of the Company to adapt the companies in which it invests, taking into consideration the changing needs and preferences of its customers. Consumer preferences, perceptions and spending habits may shift due to a variety of factors that are difficult to predict and over which the Group has no control (including lifestyle, nutritional and health considerations). Any significant changes in consumer preferences or any failure to anticipate and react to such changes could result in reduced demand for the Group’s products and weaken its competitive position.
- Highly competitive sector
Although the beverage distribution and production sector is a highly competitive one in which barriers to entry are often low, the alcohol industry, like any other, has its own set of barriers to entry that can make it challenging for new players, such as the Company, to establish themselves.
- Actions of third parties, including contractors and partners
The Group may be reliant on third parties to provide contracting services. There can be no assurance that these relationships will be successfully formed or maintained. A breach or disruption in these relationships could be detrimental to the future business, operating results and/or financial performance of the Company.
The Company continually identifies the risks that could affect its goals and operations. It assesses the likelihood and impact of each risk, and prioritises them accordingly.
Internal controls are designed and implemented to mitigate or reduce the risks, or transfer or avoid them if possible. The Directors monitor and evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the internal controls, and identify any gaps or weaknesses as well as review and update the internal controls periodically, or when there are significant changes in the business environment or objectives.
Déclaration de responsabilité
The Directors, being Xin (Andy) Sui (Chef de la direction), Robert Scott (Non-Executive Director), Simon Grant Rennick (Directeur non exécutif) et Feng Chen (Non-Executive Director), all of 48 Chancery Lane, Londres, WC2A 1JF, accept responsibility for the information contained in this set of interim results for the six month period ended 30 Avril 2024.
À la connaissance des Administrateurs :
- The condensed set of financial statements are prepared in accordance with the applicable set of accounting standards (with IAS 34 ‘Interim Financial Reporting’ as contained in UK-adopted IFRS), give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of Everest Global Plc and the undertakings included in the consolidation taken as a whole;
- the interim management report, titled ‘Chief Executive Officer's report’ includes an indication of important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year, and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements, and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the financial year; and
- the interim management report includes a fair review of the information required by DTR 4.2.8R (disclosure of related parties’ transactions and changes therein). There were no related party transactions in the period ended 30 Avril 2024 nor were there any changes in the related party transactions described in the annual report and accounts for the year ended 31 Octobre 2023 that could have a material effect on the financial position or performance of the Group during the six month period ended 30 Avril 2024.
Everest Group Plc reconnaît être responsable de toutes les informations établies et rendues publiques dans le présent jeu de résultats intermédiaires pour la période close 30 Avril 2024.
Xin (Andy) Sui
President-Directeur Général
Date : 23 Juillet 2024
État consolidé intermédiaire résumé du résultat global
| 6 mois terminés |
| Année terminée |
| 6 mois terminés | |
| Avril 30 |
| 31 Octobre |
| Avril 30 | |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 2023 | |
| (Non vérifié) |
| (vérifié) |
| (Non vérifié) | |
| Florales | £ |
| £ |
| £ | |
| |
Revenu | 3 | 495,735 |
| 2,791,695 |
| 1,434,073 | ||
Coût des ventes |
| (361,077) |
| (2,104,060) |
| (1,002,206) | ||
Bénéfice brut |
| 134,658 |
| 687,635 |
| 431,867 | ||
| ||
Autres revenus |
| 2,222,203 |
| 22,573 |
| 383,990 | ||
Dépenses administratives |
| (82,011) |
| (1,432,110) |
| (339,223) | ||
Dépréciations |
| - |
| - |
| - | ||
Bénéfice/(perte) d'exploitation |
| 2,274,850 |
| (721,902) |
| 476,634 | ||
| ||
Charges financières |
| (65,146) |
| (189,681) |
| (117,548) | ||
Revenus financiers |
| 19,270 |
| 24,545 |
| 20,377 | ||
Bénéfice/(perte) avant impôt des activités poursuivies |
| 2,228,974 |
| (887,038) |
| 379,463 | ||
| |||
| ||
Impôt sur les bénéfices/(pertes) des activités ordinaires |
| - |
| - |
| - | ||
Bénéfice/(perte) de l'exercice des activités poursuivies |
| 2,228,974 |
| (887,038) |
| 379,463 | ||
| |||
| ||
L'autre résultat étendu |
| - |
| - |
| - | ||
| ||
Total comprehensive profit/(loss) for the year from continuing operations |
| 2,228,974 |
| (887,038) |
| 379,463 | ||
| |||
| ||
Gain/(loss) attributable to ordinary shareholders |
| 1,943,737
| (862,340)
| 137,570
| ||
| ||||||
Gain/(loss) attributable to non-controlling interests |
| 285,237
| (24,698)
| 241,893
| ||
| ||||||
| ||
Total comprehensive profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary shareholders |
| 2,228,974 |
| (887,038) |
| 379,463 | ||
| ||||||
| |
Total comprehensive profit/(loss) attributable to non-controlling interests |
| - |
| - |
| 241,893 | ||
| ||||||
| |
Basic earning per share - in pence | 5 | 2.89 |
| (1.71) |
| 1.15 | ||
| |
Diluted earning per share - in pence | 5 | 1.49 |
| (1.71) |
| 0.36 | ||
État consolidé intermédiaire résumé de la situation financière
| 6 mois terminés |
| Année terminée |
| 6 mois terminés |
| Avril 30 |
| 31 Octobre |
| Avril 30 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 2023 |
| (Non vérifié) |
| (vérifié) |
| (Non vérifié) |
| Florales | £ |
| £ |
| £ |
Outils |
| |
Actifs non courants |
| |
Bonne volonté |
| 1,063,323 |
| - |
| - | |
Investissement dans des associés | 6 | - |
| - |
| - | |
Équipements propriété de l'usine | 7 | - |
| 25,771 |
| 25,632 | |
Droit d'utilisation de l'actif | 9 | 50,338 |
| 156,129 |
| 204,809 | |
Total des actifs non courants |
| 1,113,661 |
| 181,900 |
| 230,441 | |
| |
Actifs actuels |
| |
Investissement en associé |
| - |
| - |
| 6,154 | |
stocks |
| 32,127 |
| 329,408 |
| 211,983 | |
Clients et autres créances |
| 41,676 |
| 573,386 |
| 489,713 | |
Trésorerie et équivalents de trésorerie |
| 228,129 |
| 858,024 |
| 1,405,609 | |
Total des actifs courants |
| 301,932 |
| 1,760,818 |
| 2,113,459 | |
| |
Total des actifs |
| 1,415,593 |
| 1,942,718 |
| 2,343,900 | |
| |
Equity & liabilities |
| |
Partage le capital | 8 | 1,547,778 |
| 1,297,778 |
| 1,297,778 | |
Partage de prime | 8 | 3,752,967 |
| 3,502,967 |
| 3,616,952 | |
Réserve de paiement basée sur des actions |
| 464,734 |
| 464,734 |
| 350,749 | |
Part des capitaux propres des billets de prêt convertibles |
| 37,713 |
| 37,713 |
| 42,539 | |
Gains conservés |
| (5,220,040) |
| (7,544,046) |
| (6,544,136) | |
Capitaux propres totaux |
| 583,152 |
| (2,240,854) |
| (1,236,118) | |
Part des actionnaires sans contrôle |
| - |
| (2,330,081) |
| (2,063,490) | |
Total des capitaux propres |
| 583,152 |
| (4,570,935) |
| (3,299,608) | |
| |
Passifs non courants |
| |
Dettes locatives non courantes | 9 | 38,865 |
| 78,722 |
| 120,167 | |
Emprunts |
| 19,564 |
| 4,713,566 |
| 4,322,281 | |
Billets de prêt convertibles |
| 528,383 |
| 491,071 |
| 450,802 | |
Total des passifs non courants |
| 586,812 |
| 5,283,359 |
| 4,893,250 | |
Passif à court terme |
| |
Dettes de location courantes | 9 | 20,568 |
| 108,266 |
| 101,110 | |
Fournisseurs et autres dettes |
| 225,061 |
| 1,122,028 |
| 649,148 | |
Total du passif à court terme |
| 245,629 |
| 1,230,294 |
| 750,258 | |
Total capitaux propres et passifs |
| 1,415,593 |
| 1,942,718 |
| 2,343,900 |
État consolidé intermédiaire résumé des variations des capitaux propres
| Partager | Partager Premium | Réserve de paiement basée sur des actions | Part des capitaux propres des billets de prêt convertibles |
| Gains conservés |
| Capitaux propres totaux |
| Part des actionnaires sans contrôle |
| Total des capitaux propres |
| ||||||||
| ||||||||
| ||||||||
| £ | £ | £ | £ |
| £ |
| £ |
| £ |
| £ |
Solde au 31er octobre 2022 | 923,258 | 3,040,115 | 302,176 | 42,539 |
| (6,681,706) |
| (2,373,618) |
| (2,305,383) |
| (4,679,001) | |
Actions émises | 254,520 | 445,410 | - | - |
| - |
| 699,930 |
| - |
| 699,930 | |
Actions émises lors de la conversion de titres d'emprunt convertibles | 120,000 | 180,000 | - | - |
| - |
| 300,000 |
| - |
| 300,000 | |
| ||||||||||
Bons de souscription émis au cours de la période | - | (48,573) | 48,573 | - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - | |
Bénéfice de la période | - | - | - | - |
| 137,570 |
| 137,570 |
| 241,893 |
| 379,463 | |
Solde au 30er avril 2023 | 1,297,778 | 3,616,952 | 350,749 | 42,539 |
| (6,544,136) |
| (1,236,118) |
| (2,063,490) |
| (3,299,608) | |
Extension date of conversion of the convertible loan notes | - | - | - | (4,826) |
| - |
| (4,826) |
| - |
| (4,826) | |
| ||||||||||
Bons de souscription émis au cours de l'année | - | (113,985) | 113,985 | - |
| - |
| - |
| - |
| - | |
Perte pour l'année | - | - | - | - |
| (999,910) |
| (999,910) |
| (266,591) |
| (1,266,501) | |
Solde au 31er octobre 2023 | 1,297,778 | 3,502,967 | 464,734 | 37,713 |
| (7,544,046) |
| (2,240,854) |
| (2,330,081) |
| (4,570,935) | |
Actions émises | 250,000 | 250,000 | - | - |
| - |
| 500,000 |
| - |
| 500,000 | |
Gain attributable to non-controlling interest on disposal of 51% of subsidiary | - | - | - | - |
| (2,044,844) |
| (2,044,844) |
| 2,044,844 |
| - | |
| ||||||||||
Disposal of DI | - | - | - | - |
| 2,425,113 |
| 2,425,113 |
| - |
| 2,425,113 | |
Bénéfice de la période | - | - | - | - |
| 1,943,737 |
| 1,943,737 |
| 285,237 |
| 2,228,974 | |
Solde au 30er avril 2024 | 1,547,778 | 3,752,967 | 464,734 | 37,713 |
| (5,220,040) |
| 583,152 |
| - |
| 583,152 |
Tableau des flux de trésorerie consolidé intermédiaire résumé
| 6 mois terminés |
| Année terminée |
| 6 mois terminés |
| Avril 30 |
| 31 Octobre |
| Avril 30 |
| 2024 |
| 2023 |
| 2023 |
| (Non vérifié) |
| (vérifié) |
| (Non vérifié) |
| Florales | £ |
| £ |
| £ |
Flux de trésorerie liés aux activités d'exploitation |
| |
Bénéfice/(perte) d'exploitation |
| 2,274,850 |
| (721,902) |
| 476,634 | |
Ajusté pour: |
| |
Dépréciation |
| 21,900 |
| 93,699 |
| 45,369 | |
Sale of subsidiary |
| (2,037,367) |
| - |
| - | |
Profit/loss on disposal of PPE |
| - |
| (10,130) |
| - | |
Perte de change |
| (304,901) |
| 45,494 |
| - | |
Charges financières |
| (20,393) |
| (95,771) |
| 61,809 | |
Intérêt reçu |
| 15,928 |
| 17,586 |
| 20,377 | |
Bénéfice sur cession d'investissement |
| - |
| (9,231) |
| - | |
Profit on assignment of loans |
| (184,836) |
| - |
| - | |
Modifications du fonds de roulement |
| |
Diminution/(augmentation) des stocks |
| 66,193 |
| (153,533) |
| (36,108) | |
Diminution/(augmentation) des créances |
| 21,374 |
| (73,125) |
| (207,184) | |
(Diminution)/augmentation des dettes |
| (546,609) |
| 497,646 |
| 24,766 | |
Flux de trésorerie net provenant des activités opérationnelles |
| (693,861) |
| (409,267) |
| 385,663 | |
| |
Activités d'investissement |
| |
Acquisition d'EPI |
| - |
| (41,461) |
| (28,287) | |
Mouvements de change |
| - |
| (21,397) |
| 2,103 | |
Profit on sale of associate |
| - |
| 9,231 |
| - | |
Sale of associate |
| - |
| 6,154 |
| - | |
Acquisition of subsidiary's cash |
| 847 |
| - |
| - | |
Prêts à recevoir |
| - |
| (210,773) |
| - | |
Net cashflow from investing activities |
| 847 |
| (258,246) |
| (26,184) | |
| |
Activités de financement |
| |
Produit net de l'émission d'actions |
| - |
| 699,930 |
| 699,930 | |
Obligations convertibles émises |
| - |
| - |
| - | |
Increase/(decrease) in borrowings |
| 90,023 |
| (18,926) |
| (527,815) | |
Mouvements de change |
| - |
| - |
| - | |
Remboursements en capital de la dette locative |
| (26,904) |
| (89,704) |
| (51,799) | |
Flux net de trésorerie provenant des activités de financement |
| 63,119 |
| 591,300 |
| 120,316 | |
Net cashflow for the year |
| (629,895) |
| (76,213) |
| 479,795 | |
Trésorerie et équivalents de trésorerie d'ouverture |
| 858,024 |
| 925,814 |
| 925,814 | |
Mouvements de change |
| - |
| 8,423 |
| - | |
Trésorerie et équivalents de trésorerie de clôture |
| 228,129 |
| 858,024 |
| 1,405,609 |
Notes annexes aux états financiers consolidés intermédiaires résumés
- Informations générales.
Everest Global Plc (the 'Company') is a public limited company and is incorporated in de l'Angleterre et Pays de Galles (Registration number 07913053) and domiciled in de l'Angleterre. These condensed financial statements for the six months ended 30 Avril 2024 comprise the Company and its subsidiaries (the 'Group'). The principal activity of the Group has changed since 31 Octobre 2023 year end accounts were prepared. As such the principal activity at the date of the period end (30 Avril 2024) was investing and trading in off-licence premises within the South-East region of de l'Angleterre. The address of its registered office is 1st Floor 48 Chancery Lane, Londres, Angleterre, WC2A 1JF.
These condensed interim financial statements do not comprise statutory accounts within the meaning of section 434 of the Companies Act 2006. The most recent statutory accounts prepared were for the year ended 31 Octobre 2023 and approved by the board of directors on 26 Février 2024 and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditors on those financial statements was unqualified but did contain a statement of material uncertainty relating to going concern.
The Company is admitted to the Official List (by way of a Standard Listing under Chapter 14 of the Listing
Rules) and to trading on the London Stock Exchange's Main Market for listed securities. The information within these financial statements and accompanying notes has been prepared for the period ended 30 Avril 2024 avec comparatifs pour l'exercice clos 31 Octobre 2023 et 30 Avril 2023.
- Basis of preparation and significant accounting policies
The condensed consolidated interim financial statements of the Group have been prepared in accordance with the UK-adopted International Accounting Standard 34, 'Interim Financial Reporting'. As contained in International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the Royaume-Uni ('IFRS as adopted by the UK').
The condensed consolidated interim financial statements of the Group were approved by the Board and authorised for issue on 23 Juillet 2024.
La base de préparation et les politiques comptables énoncées dans le rapport annuel et les comptes pour l'exercice clos 31 Octobre 2023 have been applied in the preparation of these condensed consolidated interim financial statements. These interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the recognition and measurement principles of the International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') as endorsed by the UK that are expected to be applicable to the consolidated financial statements for the year ending 31 Octobre 2024 et sur la base des méthodes comptables qui devraient être utilisées dans ces états financiers.
Les chiffres pour les six mois terminés 30 Avril 2024 et 30 Avril 2023 ne sont pas audités et ne constituent pas des comptes complets. Les chiffres comparatifs pour l'exercice terminé 31 Octobre 2023 are extracts from the 2023 audited accounts. The independent auditor’s report on the 2023 accounts was unqualified but it included a material uncertainty in respect of going concern. These financial statements are not audited and therefore no audit report has been issued for these interim accounts.
- Rapports sectoriels
Following the acquisition of PL and the sale of DI the Company operates in two segments and two geographical regions as follows:
Geographical revenue: | £ |
Afrique du Sud Royaume-Uni Segmental revenue: Boisson Spice related products | 360,963
495,735 | For the 2 months between 1 November 2023 and 31 décembre 2023 For the 4 months between 1 January 2024 and 30 April 2024
For the 4 months between 1 January 2024 and 30 April 2024
For the 2 months between 1 November 2023 and 31 décembre 2023
- Company results for the period
La Société a choisi de bénéficier de l'exemption prévue à l'article 408 de la Loi sur les sociétés de 2006 pour ne pas présenter le compte de résultat de la Société mère.
Le résultat opérationnel du Groupe pour le semestre clos 30 Avril 2024 était de 2,274,850 XNUMX XNUMX £ (30 Avril 2023: 476,634 XNUMX £, année terminée 31 Octobre 2023: perte de 721,902 XNUMX £). La perte d'exploitation intègre les principaux éléments suivants :
| 6 mois terminés | Année terminée | 6 mois terminés |
| Avril 30 | 31 Octobre | Avril 30 |
| 2024 | 2023 | 2023 |
| (Non vérifié) | (vérifié) | (Non vérifié) |
| £ | £ | £ |
Auditors remuneration for audit services | - | 55,000 | - | |||
Over provision of prior year audit fee | (441) | 5,000 | - | |||
Honoraires juridiques et professionnels | 30,791 | 182,124 | 11,530 | |||
Brokerfrais de navire | 15,069 | 17,527 | - | |||
Dépenses personnelles | 210,407 | 332,440 | 15,000 | |||
Frais de registraire | 5,765 | 3,850 | - | |||
Depreciation on property, plant & equipment | 1,293 | 7,804 | - | |||
Depreciation on IFRS right of use asset | 20,607 | 85,895 | - | |||
Autres frais administratifs | (201,479) | 371,363 | - | |||
Sous total |
| 82,012 | 1,061,003 | 26,530 | ||
Frais d'admission |
| - | 371,107 | - | ||
Dépenses administratives totales |
| 82,012 | 1,432,110 | 26,530 |
- Bénéfice par action
Les données sur le résultat par action sont basées sur le résultat du Groupe pour le semestre et sur le nombre moyen pondéré d'actions ordinaires en circulation.
Basic loss per share is calculated by dividing the profit/(loss) attributable to equity shareholders by the weighted average number of Ordinary Shares in issue during the period:
| 6 mois terminés | Année terminée | 6 mois terminés |
| Avril 30 | 31 Octobre | Avril 30 |
| 2024 | 2023 | 2023 |
| (Non vérifié) | (vérifié) | (Non vérifié) |
| £ | £ | £ |
Bénéfice/(perte) attribuable aux actionnaires ordinaires | 1,943,737 | (862,340) | 379,463 | |||
Nombre moyen pondéré d'actions en circulation | 67,224,020 | 50,488,839 | 33,023,894 | |||
Bénéfice de base / (perte) par action (pence) | 2.89 | (1.71) | 1.15 | |||
Bénéfice dilué / (perte) par action (pence) | 1.49 | (1.71) | 0.36 |
Comme à 30 Avril 2024 there were 77,388,855 Ordinary Shares and 63,089,171 share warrants outstanding. As at 30 Avril 2023 there were 42,922,767 Ordinary Shares and 38,363,171 share warrants outstanding.
Dans l'année terminée 31 Octobre 2023, the basic and diluted loss per share are the same. This is because a loss was incurred the effect of outstanding share options and warrants is considered anti-dilutive and is ignored for the purpose of the loss per share calculation. As at 31 Octobre 2023 there were 50,488,839 (2022: 46,162,855) shares in issue, 63,089,171 (2022: 38,363,171) outstanding share warrants and nil (2022: nil) outstanding options, both are potentially dilutive.
- Investissements
| 6 mois terminés | Année terminée | 6 mois terminés |
| Avril 30 | 31 Octobre | Avril 30 |
| 2024 | 2023 | 2023 |
| (Non vérifié) | (vérifié) | (Non vérifié) |
Investissement dans une filiale |
| £ | £ | £ | ||
Dynamique Intertrade (Pty) Ltd |
| - | - | - | ||
Precious Link (UK) Ltd ('PL') |
| 500,000 | - | - | ||
Valeur comptable |
| 500,000 | - | - |
| 6 mois terminés | Année terminée | 6 mois terminés |
| Avril 30 | 31 Octobre | Avril 30 |
| 2024 | 2023 | 2023 |
| (Non vérifié) | (vérifié) | (Non vérifié) |
Investissement en associé |
| £ | £ | £ | ||
Investment in Dynamic Intertrade Agri (Pty) Ltd ('DIA') | - | - | 6,154 | |||
Valeur comptable |
| - | - | 6,154 |
Au cours de l'année terminée 31 Octobre 2023, DIA, was sold to the proposed purchaser as disclosed last year. It had been anticipated that the sale be concluded within the last two financial years, however COVID-19 delayed the process. The Company received £15,385 for its investment within DIA. This was greater than the Directors had estimated while preparing the financial statements to 31 Octobre 2022.
Comme à 30 Avril 2024, the Company directly and indirectly held the following investments:
Nom de l'entreprise | Activités principales | Pays de constitution et lieu d'affaires | Proportion of equity interest | Proportion of equity interest |
Dynamic Intertrade (Pty) Limitée | Trading in agricultural products | Afrique du Sud | 0% | 51% |
Precious Link (UK) Ltd | Trading in wine and spirits | Angleterre et Pays de Galles | 100% | 0% |
- Équipements propriété de l'usine
L'amortissement des immobilisations corporelles est calculé selon la méthode linéaire pour amortir leur coût sur leur durée d'utilité estimée aux taux annuels suivants :
Meubles et agencements |
| 17% |
Améliorations locatives | 33% | |
Usine et équipement |
| 20% et 33% |
Les durées d'utilité et la méthode d'amortissement sont revues et ajustées, le cas échéant, à la fin de chaque période de reporting.
Une immobilisation corporelle est décomptabilisée lors de sa sortie ou lorsqu'aucun avantage économique futur n'est attendu de l'utilisation continue de l'actif. Tout gain ou perte résultant de la cession ou de la mise hors service d'une immobilisation corporelle est déterminé comme la différence entre le produit de la vente et la valeur comptable de l'actif concerné et est comptabilisé en résultat net l'année au cours de laquelle l'actif est décomptabilisé.
| Améliorations locatives | Meubles, agencements et accessoires | Plantes et machinerie | Total |
| ||||
| ||||
Réservation de groupe |
| £ | £ | £ | £ | |
Prix |
| |
Au 31er octobre 2022 | 19,552 | 4,300 | 254,937 | 278,789 | ||
| Récents | - | - | 28,287 | 28,287 | |
| Exchange different | - | (350) | (32,380) | (32,730) | |
Au 30 avril 2023 | 19,552 | 3,950 | 250,844 | 274,346 | ||
| Récents | - | 984 | 12,190 | 13,174 | |
| Cessions | - | - | (25,058) | (25,058) | |
| Exchange different | (1,410) | 51 | 14,102 | 12,743 | |
Au 31er octobre 2023 | 18,142 | 4,985 | 252,078 | 275,205 | ||
| Récents | - | - | - | - | |
| Acquisition of PL | - | 1,209 | - | 1,209 | |
| Disposal of DI | (18,142) | (4,985) | (252,078) | (275,205) | |
Au 30 avril 2024 | - | 1,209 | - | 1,209 | ||
Dépréciation accumulée |
| ||
Au 31er octobre 2022 | 19,550 | 4,193 | 241,162 | 264,905 | ||
| Charge dans l'année | - | 50 | 14,386 | 14,436 | |
| Exchange different | - | (353) | (30,274) | (30,627) | |
Au 30 avril 2023 | 19,550 | 3,890 | 225,274 | 248,714 | ||
| Charge dans l'année | - | 88 | (6,720) | (6,632) | |
| Libéré lors de l'élimination | - | - | (24,685) | (24,685) | |
| Exchange different | (1,410) | 45 | 33,402 | 32,037 | |
Au 31er octobre 2023 | 18,140 | 4,023 | 227,271 | 249,434 | ||
| Charge dans l'année | - | 23 | 1,270 | 1,293 | |
| Acquisition of PL | - | 1,209 | - | 1,209 | |
| Disposal of DI | (18,140) | (4,046) | (228,541) | (250,727) | |
Au 30 avril 2024 | - | 1,209 | - | 1,209 | ||
Valeur comptable nette |
| ||
| Au 30 avril 2023 | 2 | 60 | 25,570 | 25,632 | |
| Au 31er octobre 2023 | 2 | 962 | 24,807 | 25,771 | |
| Au 30 avril 2024 | - | - | - | - |
The Company held no tangible fixed assets at 30 Avril 2024, 31 Octobre 2023 ni 30 Avril 2023.
- Capital social et prime d'émission
| Nombre de partages | Capacité | Partager | Total |
| ||||
| £ | £ | £ |
Solde au 31er octobre 2022 | 46,162,855 | 923,258 | 3,040,115 | 3,963,373 | ||
Share issue 24 January 2023 | 12,726,000 | 254,520 | 445,410 | 699,930 | ||
Share issue on conversion of CLNs 25 January 2023 | 6,000,000 | 120,000 | 180,000 | 300,000 | ||
Solde au 31er octobre 2023 | 64,888,855 | 1,297,778 | 3,665,525 | 4,963,303 | ||
Bons de souscription émis au cours de l'année | - | - | (162,558) | (162,558) | ||
Solde au 31er octobre 2023 | 64,888,855 | 1,297,778 | 3,502,967 | 4,800,745 | ||
Share issue 27 March2024 | 12,500,000 | 250,000 | 250,000 | 500,000 | ||
Solde au 30er avril 2024 | 77,388,855 | 1,547,778 | 3,752,967 | 5,300,745 |
Le capital social est le montant souscrit des actions à leur valeur nominale.
Les pertes non réparties représentent la perte cumulée du Groupe attribuable aux actionnaires.
La réserve pour paiements fondés sur des actions correspond à la charge pour paiements fondés sur des actions conformément à la norme IFRS 2.
- Baux
Right of use asset and lease liability |
| |||
| 6 mois terminés | Année terminée | 6 mois terminés |
| Avril 30 | 31 Octobre | Avril 30 |
| 2024 | 2023 | 2023 |
| (Non vérifié) | (vérifié) | (Non vérifié) |
| £ | £ | £ |
Operating lease commitments disclosed | 186,988 | 266,555 | 266,555 | |||
Paiements d'intérêts | 7,441 | 17,935 | 9,975 | |||
Paiements de location | (26,904) | (89,704) | (51,799) | |||
Exchange different | (51) | (7,798) | (3,455) | |||
Disposal of DI right of use assets | (175,033) | - | - | |||
Acquisition of PL right of use assets | 66,992 | - | - | |||
Lease liability recognised in the statement of financial position | 59,433 | 186,988 | 221,276 | |||
Dont: |
| |
Dettes de location courantes | 20,568 | 108,266 | 101,110 | |||
Dettes locatives non courantes | 38,865 | 78,722 | 120,166 | |||
| 59,433 | 186,988 | 221,276 |
Les actifs au titre du droit d'utilisation ont été évalués au montant égal à l'obligation locative, ajustée du montant de tous les paiements de location payés d'avance ou courus relatifs à ce contrat de location comptabilisés dans l'état de la situation financière au 30 Avril 2024. There were no onerous lease contracts that would have required an adjustment to the right of-use assets at the date of initial application. The recognised right of-use assets relate to the following types of assets:
| 6 mois terminés | Année terminée | 6 mois terminés |
| Avril 30 | 31 Octobre | Avril 30 |
| 2024 | 2023 | 2023 |
| (Non vérifié) | (vérifié) | (Non vérifié) |
| £ | £ | £ |
Propriétés | 50,338 | 156,129 | 204,809 | |||
| 50,338 | 156,129 | 204,809 |
- Événements ultérieurs
Subsequent to the period ended 30 Avril 2024, the company completed the purchase of 33% of AJV's issued share capital from Giga Treasure Limited. The acquisition had been originally announced on 9 Avril 2024 and is subject to regulatory approval in Hong Kong. On, 19 Juillet 2024, the acquisition of this associate had been completed.
Additionally on 17 May 2024, the Company, purchased a dormant company, Everest (Hong Kong) Securities Limited, which has been dormant since its incorporation in March, from AJV.